Work Stress
It's never enough.
In today's high-pressure work environments, we’re constantly being asked to do more.
What was good enough yesterday isn’t competitive today, and companies just keep pushing harder.

You’re doing your best.
Faced with ever-stretching goals, you’ve defaulted to the classic responses. Spend more time and energy working. Work harder, challenge yourself to do more.
If you can just squeeze everything tighter for a little longer, you dream that you’ll muscle through to some imagined finish line that never comes.
And more work awaits around every corner. Volunteer to take on a new project? Sure. Pick up the slack of a teammate who's struggling or taking a leave? Of course!
And you take pride in your work.
Your work has become a tremendous part of your overall identity. Without realizing it, you've started defining yourself by what you do.
Title, status, money, possessions, prestige, reputation—you've come to believe that this is what people see when they look at you.
And whatever you achieve, you feel compelled to do, be and earn more.
And now, you’re running on fumes.
Harder, better, faster, stronger is a great mantra, but we’re not designed to be dialed up to 10 out of 10 all the time.
It's not simply about attitude, duty or dedication. We are finite resources by design.
Only by accepting our inevitable limits can we evaluate our approach and make necessary changes to meet our goals without falling to pieces.
How did this happen?
While organizations champion the idea of quality-of-life and personal development, many don’t know what to offer their workforce.
Instead, you often receive feedback that places responsibility on you. Ask for help more often, communicate differently, delegate effectively, practice more self-care.
The whole dynamic shuts you down, and you easily forget the successes and capability that brought you this far.

Something got you this far–you!
Like the rest of us, you have room for improvement—everyone has opportunities for growth and development.
But unlike everyone else, you have your own unique combination of skills and abilities you can use to tackle them. Your job is to figure out what these strengths are and use them to your advantage.
Your strengths can get you from here to there.
By rediscovering and leveraging your strengths, you enlist the resources needed to tackle your current opportunities.
Building on your best qualities can drive your professional growth and get you to the next level.